17 October 2011


One year ago Instagr.am launched into the world. Now nearly 50,000 people sign up each and every day to become part of the world’s most vibrant photo community – creating a catalog of imagery that allows us to explore the world in ways never thought possible. 

Instagr.am is a hugely popular photo-filter app that now has more than 9 million users and 250 million shared photos. It’s success is partly due to Steve Jobs, without whom Instagram would never have come into being. Every snapshot taken with Instagram is possible because of the hard work of timeless innovators at Apple. 

With it's Facebook and Twitter sharing capabilities and regular updates it is sure to gain even further ground... rumours are also surfacing for a Blackberry and Android version too.

We've been using Instagra.am for a while now, here are some of the images we've taken in the past, you can see more on our Flickr page.

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